
Have you seen the Kent Fire and Rescue Service advert on buses in Kent?
Did it make you think about road safety either as a driver or a passenger?
Let me know your views.


Anonymous said...

The copy is apalling a GCSE student would have done better. Road safety should be done by the correct branch or agency of government. let the fire brigade stick to fire safety

Robert Burgess said...

The Kent Fire and Rescue Service now attends nearly as many RTC's as it does Fires. Since one of their Government targets is to reduce the amount of deaths and serious injuries on the road, it would appear that the KMFRA is the correct agency to address this. It is also part or a partnership of other agencies to help achieve this. Interesting point though.

Unknown said...

Hmmmm.... do you think a GCSE student might be able to spell 'appalling'..?