Firstly let me say that I know tough decisions are having to be made and it will effect everyone.
I am angry that the incompetence of the last government has forced the new coalition government to have to even think about some of the cuts there are proposing.
The announcement of the complete halt to all BSF projects , including the next wave 4 came as a complete shock to many including myself. Ten schools in Thanet have been left in the lurch, including Hartsdown, Foreland and the Ursuline.
In Thanet we will have half and half now, with no apparent consideration for the void that is left in the community, the disappointment the pupils and staff alike have.
Hartsdown Technology College , a good school with many outstanding features, prides itself in , not just working with, but being a part of the community. It is top 2% of similar schools and 2nd most improved school in Kent. All this in spite of the condition of the fabric of the building.
In 1964 the school opened to the newspaper headline "buildings inadequate for the future". As one sixth former said to me today." It's like we have been pushed to one side, and we will feel like second class Citizens".
We, at minimum, need a guaranteed investment from the Government and Kent County Council, to bring the school building up to an acceptable standard to enable Hartsdown TC to compete on a level playing field with other local schools.
I will be taking this stance when I see the Leader of Kent about this later this month. I hope we will take this to government to be looked at again.
Three years of planning, designing, an using the existing budget to carry out a careful maintenance programme. This must be compensated.
Hartsdown Tech will pick itself up from this and will continue being a excellent school in an excellent community.
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Some old pictures of Ramsgate, Margate and Broadstairs and some thoughts on
Starting with the 1791 print of Ramsgate from the newly completed harbour,
as a much inferior copy formed the frontispiece of Richardson's Fragments
5 weeks ago
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