
Stunning images change the way we see Kent

As huge posters are unveiled in London to capture the imagination of Londoners and entice them to Kent, Paul Carter, Leader of Kent County Council and Kevin Lynes, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economic Development revealed the stunning images outside County Hall.

Surprising and alluring images of Botany Bay in Broadstairs, The Goods Shed in Canterbury and Hever Castle in Edenbridge capture the passion and energy of Kent as a 21st century Garden of England.

Over 150, giant posters are adorning commuter train stations and core London underground stations in zones one and two and will encourage passengers to ‘Exercise’, ‘Enjoy the fruits of’ and ‘Rediscover’ Kent. It is the creative concept of top London creative agency M&C Saatchi, which has been commissioned to roll-out the campaign.

Visit Kent, the county’s award winning tourism partnership delivery organisation is co-ordinating the three year campaign, which is being supported by £400,000 investment from Kent County Council.

Kevin Lynes, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economic Development at Kent County Council comments:

“Through the campaign images, award winning photographer Jean - Luc Bénard has changed our perception of Kent as a tourist destination. I look at his shot of Botany Bay and it could be the Algarve. His Hever Castle imagery could have been shot in India. My hope is that this campaign will encourage other people to see this stunning county of ours in a new contemporary light, just as I have."

Sandra Matthews-Marsh, Chief Executive, Visit Kent comments “We’re so excited about this fresh approach to our marketing - and of course it’s more important than ever that we stay innovative and creative, and keep ahead of the competition. The timing is perfect, with continued concerns about flying and the strength of the Euro still making the traditional European haunts of the British expensive, this campaign is positioned to remind Londoners and commuters what is on their doorstep.”

The posters campaign will be supplemented with a three week press campaign in the Evening Standard and Time Out, also starting today. Visit Kent investors have helped extend the reach of the campaign with an additional £400,000 of in-kind support.

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